Monday, July the 6rd – 10:00 – Cefalu / Sicily, Italy

Whilst Greece was voting against more austerity measures, we were sailing to Cefalu. It is a bit strange not to be able to follow the news whenever you want, when significant changes are taking place. This also applies to the company I work for. On a longer sailing trip you really live in your own world. What matters is weather, navigation, provisions, next harbour, anchoring ground, navigational warnings and of course just to make sure that everything is working on board.

What happened in between: We left S. Vito do Capo on Thursday at about midday and sailed to Palermo. We spent one evening there and left next morning for Cefalu.
Next destinations are Isola Filicudi and Isola Lipari or Stromboli.

The internet connection has not been reliable in the last days and I suppose it will be worse on the Aeolian Islands. Next blog when time and technic allows.

20150704 Palermo

20150705 Cefalu Marina
Cefalu Marina

20150705 Cefalu